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How To Know If Overmolding Or Insert Molding Is Better For Your Project?

How To Know If Overmolding Or Insert Molding Is Better For Your Project?

How to know if overmolding or insert molding is better for your project?

  1. Projects For Electrical Industry
  2. Projects For Automotive Industry
  3. Projects For Consumer Goods
  4. Projects For Beauty Industry
  5. Projects For Medical Industry

When it comes to determining the best plastic injection method for your project, there are two primary choices: overmolding and insert molding. From houses, offices, industrial, electrical, to public or private facilities, most of the project materials of these facilities are produced through either overmolding or insert molding. Read on to learn what is the difference between overmolding vs insert molding. 

When To Use Overmolding For Your Project?

Overmolding is defined as a multi-step injection molding process, in which two or more components are molded over top of one another. Known as two-shot molding (because it is a two-step process), overmolding is used for projects that aim to produce custom plastic products such as toothbrushes.

Using overmolding for your project is beneficial as it can enhance shock absorption and reduce manufacturing costs. However, you have to consider the following factors before choosing overmolding for your project:

Except for those mentioned above, you must choose overmolding for your project if your finished product:


When To Use Insert Molding For Your Project?

What sets insert molding apart from overmolding is that it is done with a pre-existing substrate. It also consists of a pre-fabricated piece that when inserted into a mold, the occurrence of the second layer begins forming. It is usually put on top of a metal part as its plastic layer, it helps to produce metal screwdrivers.

It’s best to use insert molding if you’re aiming for these qualities of your finished project such as:

Other than those qualities, choose insert molding for your project when:


Projects That Are Using Overmolding Or Insert Molding

Now that we’ve introduced you overmolding vs insert molding along with their unique characteristics, we’ll discuss the different projects done by manufacturing industries that are using overmolding or insert molding.

Projects For Electrical Industry

Most projects which are done for electrical industries are using insert molding (known as a rubber exterior) to produce safer electrical wires for their customers. Other than wires, computer and cellphone chargers are also produced. And when it comes to producing multiple wires, insert molding is helpful and these wires are separated using different colors (blue and red).

Projects For Automotive Industry

The most common automotive products that are using insert molding are fasteners, gears, and electrical sensors to put metal and rubber materials together for safer use. Motors and batteries are also using the insert molding process.

Meanwhile, overmolding is used when creating two-tone interior parts such knobs, controls, dash panels, and doors.

Projects For Consumer Goods

Your children’s plastic toys, those storage bins, plastic containers in your kitchen, plastic furniture, and every plastic object you see at your home are one solid piece made from overmolding—making the products durable, safe, and long-lasting to use.

However, other consumer goods are either made from overmolding or insert molding processes such as cell phone cases and toothbrushes, as well as navigational devices.

Projects For Beauty Industry

Both overmolding and insert molding are used for beauty industry projects such as the packaging of cosmetic products to make the product more alluring to customers. By using both of these two, it’s easier to make customized colors and textures for such products as cologne bottles, makeup brushes, and more.

Projects For Medical Industry

When it comes to products that need sterilization, our medical industry solely depends on overmolding since it’s obvious that plastics are much easier to sterilize than metal and other components. Meanwhile, the medical wires and cables used in hospitals, defibrillators, pacemakers, and more are made from insert molding for a cleaner, easier, and more fragile interior quality. 

Key Takeaway

When doing a project for people, facilities, and services, it’s important to know if overmolding or insert molding is better for your project for safety, and reliability aside from earning a profit from the project. 

Now that we’ve discussed overmolding vs insert molding, it’s time to finish your project with Richfields today! We offer a broad choice of molding services for different projects and applications. 

We’re the best and most reliable injection molding partner for many businesses today. Send a message to us here and let’s discuss your project and service needs with us!